No, delivery fees are based on the distance from our warehouse and is caluclated during the reservation process. Prices do not include sales tax.
We take Credit, Debit, Exact Cash to delivery. These payment options must be arranged prior to delivery. If paying by cash, please have exact change as our drivers do not carry cash. We do accept Checks from approved Businesses, Schools and Churches.
Cancellation Policy: Our reservation policy allows you to cancel your reservation based on severe weather. In the case the customer cancels their reservation due to severe weather, the deposit will be set as a "rain check". This Rain Check Credit can be used as a credit towards a reservation in the future. This rain check credit may be used for the 12 months following the initial reservation date. If the rain check credit is not used within the proceding 365 days, the rain check will be forfieted and will not be able to to be used as a rain check credit and the funds will not be refunded. 

Any Event Inflatables does not offer refunds for any reason once our initial deposit payment has been made. 
If you have any other questions, please feel free to call us any time at: 678-953-2836

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